Thursday, January 29, 2015


Yes, I am stressing.  The interview is next week.  I will hang for a bit, have dinner, explore the place.  My feet and back are still loudly protesting my sudden interest in getting them back into some semblance of "in shape" but they are going to have to live with it.  I expect to be taking lots of public transit anyway.  Mapping out the places I've been told to/want to visit.

So of course I got a goddamn pimple.  /faceplant

No processed sugars for the next week... if all comes to fruition, I'll celebrate my new life with a package of frozen Reese's Cups Mini's and an Archer marathon.

Just missing one thong.  I'm used to that, I guess.  +++edit: just missing one THING... thank you, Freud+++

Fingers tightly crossed.

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