Thursday, December 7, 2017

Oh, cock a doodle doo, crazy

While finally seeming to get over this atrocious sickness and being able to cough up some phlegm to clear my lungs, I have noticed that another bit of sputum has decided to rouse its presence.

Hello.  Perhaps I didn't make it clear before-- this is a log of the sickness I battle inside my head every day.  I do not retract past blog posts... they accurately reflect my feelings at the time, if not now.  If I haven't been clear enough, my lifelong attitude has "Want out of my life?  I completely understand.  If you wish, go.  Do not assume you'll be let back in, however."

I don't know why anybody would want to, honestly, so I fail to see how telegraphing me once again is going to accomplish anything.  What, am I worried about the Ex?  No, he seems happy, good on him.  Voldemort?  His meth addiction early in his life has probably erased me from his elderly brain as he approaches early senility, so honestly, good on him as well.  There is really nobody else who will miss me once I've evacuated this planet, and I'm quite satisfied with where I am today, so... perhaps you need to get a life focusing on bettering yourself?  Go play Uno or something with the people who allow you to be around.

Message ends.