Monday, July 12, 2021

Holiday Road

 This is the first day of my first vacation week this year.  I just chose this week because I need to spend some vacation time and I do not want another calamity like last year, when I had to spend my entire vacation time in December when not much was happening work-wise anyway (or at least, not as much).

What I *should* have done was use some of these American Airline points to take a trip somewhere I want to move to, since COVID fear seems to be winding down for the vaxxed (me).   Increasingly I find my choices limited.  I had thought of Dallas again, but their mismanagement of their electric grid this past winter, plus the ultra-right conservatives in charge there, kind of really make me not want to go.  And of course all my friends moved and all that.  Los Angeles, I think I would like, and to return to San Francisco would be great too.  Expensive, though.  Same with Portland, expensive, plus, irritating Proud Boys all over the place (or Oath Keepers or whatever jerk-off club that was).

One on my radar has been Denver, because a.) legal pot would really help with my sleep issues, and b.) lots of cool concerts (music, comedy, and others) always go through there.  I am still considering that.  Perhaps take my next week off around my birthday and fly out there, spend a week exploring.  I know from previous visits I like the city already.

Weirdly, although Denver-Boulder seem to be twin cities close to each other, like Dallas-Fort Worth, Boulder seems to have the more expensive rent.  Maybe Boulder is the bigger city?  Who knows.

Anyway work is going great and I am constantly surprising myself by not repeating myself on my sound design, which seems impossible but there we have it.  Ask me to explain how I do it and I can only say "I have no idea."  Everybody I work with seems to like my stuff.

That's the update.

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