- pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.
I really, really don't normally delight in somebody else's bad luck, really I don't. Unless they have fucked me over for no good reason.
Even Voldemort, and finding that he'd hooked up with somebody in Atlanta who's mental problems went way past my bouts of depression and complex-PTSD... a guy who was seriously mentally ill and could literally not function in society without a dozen medications. (Honestly they didn't help that much anyway.) So when his whole life in Georgia collapsed because he was stupid enough to put a mental patient on the deed to his house, I didn't smirk or laugh. I also didn't feel sorry for him, but that's not schadenfreude.
However, when I got canned in Texas so the new loser boss could hire his drug dealer to do my job, when I heard that toad got canned (as well as his wife, his druggie, all of his staff) I did feel satisfaction. Ten minutes later, however, my then-current boss called to say he'd hired the toad to be my new boss in the new city I'd moved to. Ouch.
However, this won't be a repeat of that. The boss with the most idiotic sideburns (apparently wanting to be a Flash villain or something) was canned last month and is hosting a vlog where he is going to document his journey to find a new job. It's hosted on a domain he registered for the last time his incompetence got his ass canned.
He registered a domain high-lighting this. AND KEPT IT REGISTERED TIL HE GOT CANNED AGAIN.
So, yes, I am going to be childish and relish this schadenfreude sandwich. Was it because he fired me? Partly. But it was mostly because he never actually intended to give me a chance. I'd rather he have been up front with it if that was going to be the case. I'm a big boy, I've been through the washer before, I just need to know if I need to re-up my lease for the apartment.
I do have a well paying job now. I will be basically full-time employed, working from home, producing extremely fun podcasts with a growing company. I CAN DO MY JOB IN MY UNDERWEAR IF I WANT HOW COOL IS THAT. Speaking of, gotta get back to work.
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