At first, I was absolutely sure I knew what was wrong: I wasn't enjoying it because my partner wasn't here with me, and I kind of knew he wouldn't be coming back. I had always enjoyed the show before we got back together, but now I had to re-learn how to enjoy Dr. Who alone, again. It wasn't coming along.
I thought, maybe, like the Doctor, I needed a companion, to enjoy the show. Since my brother had built his dream house after moving back home, I elected him to be my surrogate Dr. Who companion. I go home most weekends, and we try to watch it together, although he usually falls asleep on the couch.
But that wasn't the problem. This season, particularly the second half, has just plain sucked.
Asylum of the Daleks
This 'sode was not a knock out of the park, but it was pretty good, especially for setting up the Doctor's new status quo as an unknown variable, as opposed to the most feared being in the universe. Also, the perfect couple being on the rocks? And then seeing them grow together again? That was pretty good. If you've ever given somebody up because you know you'll never be able to give them what they truly want, Amy's speech about children was probably pretty touching and effective.
I'm not a big fan of westerns, aside from Tombstone (of course), but this sci-fi take on the genre was good. But again, it was a western... I'd watch it again, but not go out of my way, necessarily, to do so.
A fun romp. This kind of sounds like somebody came up with the title before having any idea about a plot, but it was fun. Rory's dad was a good addition.
Apparently the power of three is to bore the audience to tears. Ugh, how boring this was. That's when the cracks started appearing in the Doctor's facade for me. But we still had the big, bad Weeping Angels appearance to get through....
...and "getting through" it was exactly what you had to do with this one. At best, a mediocore 'sode that should have been an excellent one, seeing as how it was a supposedly farewell ep for Rory and Amy. It was one of the few times that I would agree with friends who point out the illogical in certain tropes. "Well, why couldn't they just arrive in Jersey and take a cab if the fabric of space-time was preventing them?" Normally I'd dismiss this with, "Yeah it's so illogical that this time-traveling immortal couldn't figure that out, it's so unrealistic..." but they took way too many liberties with time travel, paradoxes, Angels (honestly the Statue should have been a huge shocker but it was yawn-apalooza)... Just not really all that great.
to be continued soon with reviews of the second half of season seven
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