Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Big Time

I always liked this song more than "Sledgehammer," it was just more fun, but it was the closest I could get to a title that was similar to "Full Time" and tie it into something unrelated, so there we go and here we are.

After two years of working for this company freelance, they are taking the gamble and making me full-time, with health benefits, as of this past Monday.

No, it isn't radio imaging, which I did for twenty years and nearly got back into when Tampa was calling my old bosses for references (they eventually went with a service... bleah).  It's for a podcasting company in LA.  I've never met anybody I work for aside from on Facebook, so for all I know I could be laundering Russian money with my paychecks.  But now I am full time, and can finally get lots of stuff I've had to put off done... like a new MRI to see if I can go down on my Kepra doseage!  And vision and dental, wish I could have waited with this one molar but it was not savable anyway.

I'll probably still keep a lookout for imaging jobs, but honestly, if I wanted to move I could move back to Texas and live on my new salary (which was a significant raise), because I have before.  It wasn't fun, but cutting out comics and eating out can really work wonders for a guy on a budget.  Plus, maybe Blowjob Pete still lives there, he was a fun guy.

Anyway, life is good right now and I am planning a vacation with my brother in NYC in the summer, but right now it is time to watch Schitt's Creek.